Playing with the Wind
Today artists from all corners of the world are creating surprising kites, playing with the wind, coloring the sky, and sculpting space; they have rediscovered the wonders of kites and seek a new aesthetics inspired by nature and movement. Some seek the metaphysical dimension of the Asian "paper birds".
This exhibit displays about 200 kites of different sizes, divided into in different groups - kites of yesteryear, sports, artistic, mechanical, and musical kites; kites that resemble airplanes and birds; scary and funny kites; fighting kites, kites from Israel and more. They are accompanied by a historical outline of kites over the generations, films that show kites flying in the sky, a children's workshop in which kites will be made and decorated, and a unique virtual game for children, imitating the flight of a kite.
Curator: Christine Armengaud
Design: Architect Ori Glazer
Opens: July 15, 2014